Experiments, experiments and again experiments with writing.

This series is about trying to experiment with different types of constraints that one cannot or must obey when writing.

Luke Fecko
2 min readSep 8, 2020

Yesterday, who knows when I thought about trying to experiment more with a writing. It was after an inspiring moment when I just wrote anything that was arising in my head name Honesty in writing. Okay that’s not the tile but it fits.

Surprisingly today, I received after an article two likes. Let me tell you that’s something unheard of. I was really smiling when seeing it.

The strange thing was that after posting the article, which I really did publish in a strange flow of this honesty, I later read it and felt a bit anxious.

Well it wasn’t really polished some sentences were unfinished even in the middle. But the universe have spoken:

he likes it.

When laying in bed before it was clear that universe liked it, I myself felt that there was something special about it. That writing whatever is there, without trying to use backspace, just doing it and really putting one word after another is a funny writing experiment.

Experiments idea

I kept thinking about doing something similar in the same pattern. Creating and experiment that I would need to push my writing in a really strange way.

I feel a need to explain it.

Imagine writing without using backspace. That’s a one experiment. On top of it you cannot even make any correction. None, zero. I just typed backspace multiple times just now.

I do think, that backspace does break a flow. So here is the first experiment, I would try today even. Yeah, I wanted to say tomorrow, but why wait. Okay, I just noticed some problems, that I haven’t dealt with yet, in the world outside of typing.

This was an introduction to my writing experiments. Hopefully someone would come along and try them with me. I am really looking forward to it.

I already tried one but I rather would like to start with this one: “Connecting the sentences one after another”. There need to be this ever present connection among sentences.

Guidelines for the rules

I just wanted to add here some guidelines how to come up with a creative constrains. Yeah, that’s how we would call them.

One rule at a time.

And’t that’s probably everything. I really wanted to free my mind from creating crazy amount of possible rules and too much thinking. No. Oh, maybe the last one.

Be crazy!

Maybe, I would come with weeks themes. We’ll see. Time would show. Let’s now show how our fingers can burn under the speed of how we type.



